Marble Rock recovers after tornado

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(ABC 6 News) – Communities in North Iowa are recovering after severe weather Friday night. There were at least two tornadoes across Cerro Gordo and Floyd counties along with some flash flooding overnight. The damage for cities like Marble Rock and Greene was extensive. There have been no reported deaths or injuries but one family lost their home.

"Very sad to see when I first saw it. There’s no other word to say it. It was just a shock. I’ll remember it the way it was when my dad was taking care of it," Marble Rock resident Diane Black said.

Diane grew up in a home that was hit by a tornado Friday night. The home, barn and garage were all leveled to the ground. The home was built by Diane’s great grandfather in the 1890s. No one’s lived there since 2015 when her dad passed away. She’s the only one in her family left in the area, but her family, friends and neighbors are all going to help clean up the wreckage.

"Last night there was all kinds of people calling and offering help," she said.

Hillside Cemetery also got hit. There are downed trees and flattened crops across marble rock and the rest of Northern Iowa. The National Weather Service was on the ground in the area all day Saturday, surveying the damage.