Luther College, Briar Cliff University to be first colleges to play at the Field of Dreams movie site

(ABC 6 News) – Luther College announced Friday that they, along with Briar Cliff University, will be the first colleges to play baseball at the Field of Dreams movie site.

This historic game will take place in Dyersville, Iowa on Sept. 16, 2022.

Briar Cliff University secured this opportunity and invited Luther College as their opponent. “We are so excited that our student-athletes, along with Briar Cliff’s, will be the first collegiate players to take the Field of Dreams—a field like none other, known to inspire and evoke emotions,” said Renae Hartl, director of intercollegiate athletics at Luther College.

Major League Baseball hosted a Yankees vs. White Sox game at the site in August this year, the first-ever regular-season game to be played in Iowa. The game included special guest Costner himself and drew over 5.9 million viewers.

While the focus is on creating a memorable experience for the student-athletes, Luther College head baseball coach Bryan Nikkel says this will be more than a baseball game. “We want it to be a celebration for the student-athletes, alumni, and friends and family of the program. It’s an opportunity to showcase both colleges and both programs, while at the same time, gather together to enjoy the moment.”

Luther College ended its 2021 spring season with a record of 32-16 and the Norse made their sixth appearance in the NCAA III National Tournament. The Briar Cliff Chargers ended its 2021 spring season with a 34-20 record.

Ticket availability will be announced at a later date.