How to prevent frostbite and hypothermia

(ABC 6 News) – Two things nobody wants to experience in the cold are frostbite and hypothermia. With wind chills flirting with 40 below zero for Wednesday morning, it will be much easier for both of these to occur.

Emergency Physician Dr. Robert Hyde provides the difference between frostbite and hypothermia. He says, “Frostbite usually applies to fingers, toes, ears, sort of typically exposed portions of the skin. Hypothermia really refers to a drop in body temperature."

Frostbite can be treated by putting the frostbitten area in warm water. Exposing the spot to heat such as a fireplace or an air heater can actually irritate the spot more.

Hypothermia can also be treated by warm water or blankets. Hypothermia can occur faster due to higher winds, wet clothes, and alcohol consumption.

While layers and limiting time outdoors obviously prevent both, getting adequate hydration, eating before going outside, and moving around all create heat to protect yourself when out in the elements.