Ellison focuses on women’s economic security during visit to Aldrich

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(ABC 6 News) – Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison was in Rochester on Tuesday meeting with childcare providers to understand how important accessible and affordable childcare is.

"We have to support these kinds of programs, they are critical," said Attorney General Ellison.

Ellison visited Aldrich School where parents and teachers said it’s hard to find quality staff, especially with a worker shortage. Adding it’s also difficult to pay workers enough while also providing affordable care.

"We’re trying to make sure that everybody has a shot at prosperity. We have the laws, we need more, of course, we need to keep up to date," said Ellison.

"But there are enough laws to make sure, in fact, there is women’s economic security, and yet women’s economic security is more of an aspiration."

The Attorney General said it shouldn’t have to come down to a mom choosing work or childcare.

"I’d like to see us invest in early childcare education so that moms can join the workforce and not have to worry about their children. There’s a lot of moms now who can’t, or aren’t sure if they should get into the workforce or stay out because childhood is just so expensive."

For Ellison, he said the biggest takeaway from Tuesday is that programs like Aldrich are worth the public investment, and providers deserve things like better pay and benefits. He also said it’s not just parents who benefit, it’s also the kids.