Austin fourth graders make a difference

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(ABC 6 NEWS) – Some Austin fourth graders are giving back to their community. They decided they would fuel their community by planting fruit trees along a bike path.

Ryan Timm’s students at Southgate Elementary School planted four trees. Two apple, a plum tree, and an apricot tree.

They wanted to make sure no one in Austin goes hungry.

"I dont really get to help the community that often, so it was a really interesting chance to help," One student said.

"We also made it so anybody who needed help with hunger, they could just walk there or bike there," another said.

The kids even went as far as getting approval with the Austin City Council to plant the trees. They also raised the funds for this project too.

When they planted them last week, Austin Mayor Steve King joined in to see the great work these kids did.

"It was a great experience, the kids are outstanding. I’m very impressed with their civic mindedness," Mayor King said.

And for Mr. Timm, this means the world to him.

"It’s fun to watch them run with it. They wanted to raise the funds, they came up with the ideas for the types of trees, I had them involved and they led every step of the way," he said.

The kids plan to plant more trees in the future.