What the Tech? App of the Day: Momento
(ABC 6 News) – When you think of a diary, you might picture a young girl writing down her thoughts in a small book with a lock and key. As people get older many continue with a diary but we tend to think of them as journals.
Some of the best writers and creators use journals to keep their thoughts, ideas, and inspirations in one place. Experts agree that journaling is not only good for inspiration and reflection, but it’s also a good habit with many other benefits.
But as adults, just the thought of putting pen to paper every day is more than we can possibly commit to. The paper journal may be in a desk drawer when inspiration strikes. This is where a smartphone app can help.
“Momento” is an iPhone app for keeping a journal, photos, places, and friends all in one place.
It’s a simple app that’s similar to what you might see on a calendar or scheduling app. Each day you can add journal entries by tapping an icon and begin writing. If you’re writing about what you’re doing and where tap here to add where you are using the location data. Add tags, add people you’re with and, add photos. You can add as many journal entries as you’d like
Remembering to journal is the hard part for anyone who wants to get started. Momento helps by adding notifications. Set this up any way you’d like. Maybe first thing in the morning or before you go to bed. Set another alert to take a photo at a certain time.
If you have one, you’ll be reminded on your phone and on an Apple Watch. This alone makes Momento perfect for wanna-be journal keepers.
It also auto-populates your memory feed by connecting to social media accounts. Photos and posts to Facebook and Instagram are added automatically.
The downside is, this Momento app is for iPhone only but there are similar apps in the Google Play Store for Android users. Day One is a great choice, and it has an iPhone version too.
Momento is free but a premium version lets you look back beyond one year at your memories. If you’re serious about getting into journaling or if you just love looking back on your Facebook Memories one of these apps will be something you’re happy you started using when you did.