6 On Your Side: Small Business Series, The Nordic Shop

The Nordic Shop on ABC 6 News Good Morning at 630

A comprehensive look at local, multi-state and national news events provided by the ABC 6 News Team including updates on sports and weather conditions and traffic.

(ABC 6 News) – Culture is often a driving force among family, or friends; but what about in business?

50 years ago, a young man and wife no older than 25, made a name for themselves right here in the Med City. Bringing Norwegian culture to a market in a way that hadn’t been done before… Starting a business that continues to withstand the test of time.

In 1974, Walter and Louise Hanson opened a shop in the Kahler Hotel, just around the corner from Mayo Clinic; less than 100 years after the Saint Mary’s Campus first opened.

“Our customers are here for a limited amount of time, and they would go away and come back and say ‘I’ll see you next year when I come back for my clinic appointment’,” expressed Co-Owner Walter Hanson.

And one family in particular would do just that.

On their journey from Mexico City to Rochester finding friendship, as snowflakes fell from the sky, that would last generations.

“Their parents come on over, took pictures of their kids with their little snowman and it was fun. That family has come back every year about that time of year.”

6 On Your Side Small Business Series on ABC 6 News Good Morning at 6

A comprehensive look at local, multi-state and national news events provided by the ABC 6 News Team including updates on sports and weather conditions and traffic.

With 2 degrees in architecture and communications between the two of them, and an abroad program to Copenhagen under their belt, the pair started The Nordic Shop who’s customers value the rich culture imbued within the merchandise.

“We joke because we can here the people down the hall say, ‘there’s The Nordic Shop!’ And it’s really nice because people have found us, and they continue to find us,” shared Co-Owner Louise Hanson.

“I think the last few years have been really inspiring.”

What started as a quaint little shop, with no more than 2 display shelves and a re-used plywood sign, went on to become the largest and only premiere retailer of the Norwegian brand; Dale of Norway.

The Hanson’s say, if they could do it all again? They would.

“It’s been fun, it’s been a journey; way back when we started, The Nordic Shop looked greatly different than it does now,” said Walter.

“I wouldn’t change a thing, even the blunders that we made, and there were many,” expressed Louise.

May 17th, 2024 is Norwegian Independence Day, or Syttende Mai as they call it. Each year those who observe celebrate with parades, flying flags and parties. The Nordic Shop may be celebrating, but you’ll have to stop on by to find out.