Law enforcement warns drivers of dangers on rural roads

Law enforcement warns drivers of dangers on rural roads

The recent fatal crash in rural Olmsted County has the sheriff's office on high alert reminding drivers of the dangers on rural roads.

(ABC 6 News) – The man who was ejected from his car after a roll-over crash near Chatfield has died from his injuries. Police identify him as 20-year-old Christian Wolter from Dover. Law enforcement is still working to learn what led up to the crash.

“Everything I’ve heard on the back end, he seemed like a pretty decent fella and it’s just sad that this happened,” said Olmsted County Sheriff Kevin Torgerson.

The recent fatal crash in rural Olmsted County has the sheriff’s office on high alert reminding drivers of the dangers on rural roads.

“Whether it’s distracted driving, whether it’s speeding, whether it’s some level of impairment or whatever the case, maybe we are going to continue to put those warnings out and hopefully people will be smarter,” Sheriff Torgerson.

He says other things that cause problems on rural roads are wildlife, low light and viability at night, slow moving farm vehicles and of course inclement weather. But even when roads are in decent conditions Torgerson says often times that’s when careless and reckless driving occurs.

“It’s the people who don’t know the road who are surprised by a sudden turn or a hill or a curve. And then on the other end it’s the people who do drive there take greater risks cause they do know the roads,” said Sheriff Torgerson.

One place in particular in the county has some locals wanting to see some change.

“We have had discussions regarding State Highway 42 and getting the speed limit reduced from 60 to 45,” said Eyota resident Terry Potter.

She says there is a lot of traffic on that stretch of road, and now she’s part of a group trying to change the speed limit.

“Due to the fact that there’s schools and businesses right along this in town in Eyota, we are hoping to make that happen,” said Potter.

One thing both Potter and Torgerson agree on are roundabouts that have significantly helped slow down traffic and reduce accidents like the one at Highway 14 and Highway 42.

“I’ve lived here for 25 years, and I’ve seen multiple accidents without the roundabout. Since the roundabout has been in, I haven’t seen one. I’m sure there has been one, but nothing major,” said Potter.

This weekend is another holiday weekend and also there is a chance for a dusting of snow. Sheriff Torgerson says to plan for a sober ride and watch out for slick spots. He says when it’s just a light snow, slick spots can easily come out of nowhere.