Tree damage across southeast Minnesota, one family hit hard in Rochester

Tree damage across southeast Minnesota, one family hit hard in Rochester

Reports of tree damage came in all across southeast Minnesota due to strong wind gusts and lightning during Tuesday's storms.

(ABC 6 News)- Reports of tree damage came in all across southeast Minnesota due to strong wind gusts and lightning during Tuesday’s storms.

The highest reported wind gust ended up being 72 mph in Harmony. Wind gusts were estimated to be anywhere from 50-70 mph most of the time storms passed through Tuesday night.

For one family in Rochester, this was no exception.

Eddie Becker works for Root River Tree Service. His team has been busy helping remove damaged and destroyed trees from yards. “I showed up and it’s like… this block has just gotten destroyed. There must have been straight line winds that came through here,” said Becker.

Due to the straight line winds he spent all day Wednesday cleaning up debris, with a house in Rochester being among one of the biggest examples of damage. “I’ve been up since about 4 o’clock [a.m.] getting ready and getting out here and helping people out,” said Becker.

One of the homeowners who had damage to her property was Erin Mogensen. She describes what it was like for her family Tuesday night, “We were going to close the window, and we just heard the crash from another room; went to the room, no one was in the room, and we saw the tree through the roof in a couple different spots and water dripping in.”

The tree went through the roof in a bedroom and the living room. The tree also fell on top of one of their cars. “That was my son’s car for college, so now he gets the new car,” stated Mogensen. The Mogensens are also dealing with water damage from the heavy rainfall.

As cleanup continues, crews want to remind people to not go near downed powerlines or try to move branches of trees yourself.

“If you get close to a tree, you don’t know what’s holding that thing up. If you touch it, the whole thing could fall down on you,” said Becker. “Even this branch up on this house, you gotta be super careful with it. That’s why that guy is tied to the crane because if anything happens, he is safe.”

The Mogensen family is very thankful for all the help they have received as one house down the street let their kids sleep there for the night. Others brought food to the Mogensens. “We are lucky to be where we’re at, and have this community here for us,” said Mogensen

Drier and calmer conditions on Thursday will help expedite cleanups.