RPU continues tradition with the 22nd annual Arbor Day Celebration

RPU hosts 22nd annual Arbor Day Celebration

For 22 years, Rochester has had an Arbor Day celebration and Friday's rain did not change that.

(ABC 6 News) – For 22 years, Rochester has had an Arbor Day Celebration and Friday’s rain did not change that.

From games to memories, and even Smokey Bear, Friday’s Arbor Day Celebration at Rochester Community and Technical College saw hundreds of Rochester Public Schools third, fourth, and fifth graders.

“We learned that recycling, and throwing trash away is like really important to the earth, and animals and humans,” said Emmary Swenson, a fifth grader at Gibbs Elementary.

Coming for a little fun and to learn the importance of trees.

“Where to plant trees, right tree in the right place, safety is a big thing that we talk about. We want to start at an early age. We want people to you know, love trees and understand trees from a young age all the way up until they get older,” Tony Benson, the Communications Coordinator at Rochester Public Utilities said.

Another important lesson, is safety.

“If you see a branch near your overhead lines on your property or around your property, don’t go near it,” added Benson.

Despite the event being inside, there were plenty of trees given away and ready to be planted in their new home.

“With a more urbanizing world, it’s nice to have folks in touch with nature, right? We live as part of nature, we’re not aside from it,” Gibson Banton, Assistant District Manager at Maier Tree and Lawn tells ABC 6.

Preparing the next generation of tree planters and letting students go home to give their trees a chance to grow as they do.

“Make sure you have some gloves or something like that and put it in the trash or recycling,” said Roselee Rivas, also a fifth grader at Gibbs Elementary School.

On Wednesday, May 1st, RPU Line Crews will work with Rochester Parks and Recreation for the Right Tree in the Right Place tree planting program. That will happen near John Adams Middle School. The annual event will plant the proper type of boulevard trees in different Rochester neighborhoods.