2022 Minnesota State Fair total attendance just shy of 2 million, records 5th highest total ever

Courtesy: MGN / Minnesota State Fair
(ABC 6 News) – The 2022 Minnesota State Fair brought people out and together on a grand scale.
According to a press release on Tuesday, the State Fair wrapped up Labor Day, Monday with an attendance of 156,985 bringing the entire fair attendance for 2022 to 1,842,222 – the fifth highest attended fair ever.
The record attendance is 2,126,551 set in 2019.
Other State Fair notes:
Rachel Rynda of Montgomery, Minn., representing Le Sueur County, was crowned the 69th Princess Kay of the Milky Way and will serve as the official goodwill ambassador for nearly 2,500 Minnesota dairy farm families this year.
RELATED: 69th Princess Kay of the Milky Way Crowned at State Fairgrounds
The agricultural and creative competitions drew more than 32,000 entries this year, with competitors vying for a share of ribbons, trophies and special awards and more than $1.7 million in prize money. Competitions included events for livestock, horses, school projects, dog trials, baked and canned goods, fruit, vegetables, crafts, bee and honey products, fine arts, farm crops, flowers, butter, cheese and more.
The Purple Ribbon Auction on Saturday, August 27, set 17 new record prices and raised more than $1,014,000 for the 115 4-H members who participated in the auction.
In addition, the auction awarded $118,000 in scholarships to 53 4-H youths.
The award-winning CHS Miracle of Birth Center welcomed 138 newborn animals, including 104 piglets, 10 calves, 21 lambs and three kids (goats).
“Our thanks to everyone who visited the State Fair this year,” said the fair’s General Manager Jerry Hammer. “It was clear from the first moments on opening day that people were more than ready to return home to their State Fair. ‘We really need this’ is what we heard from many very happy people.”
“Thanks also to the tens of thousands of people who worked so very hard to make State Fair magic,” Hammer added. “State Fair staff, vendors, exhibitors, agriculturists, youth groups, volunteers and especially our many partners who stepped up to provide public safety and security for the fair.”
The 2023 Minnesota State Fair will run August 24 through Labor Day, September 4.