Rochester Art Center opening Minnesota woman’s exhibit about struggles with MS

MN artist showcases her journey with MS at Rochester Art Center – ABC 6 News Daytime

MN artist showcases her journey with MS at Rochester Art Center - ABC 6 News Daytime

(ABC 6 News) – Artist and Minnesota native May Ling Kopecky’s “To-Do List” exhibit opens up at the Rochester Art Center today. The exhibit showcases Kopecky’s journey with multiple sclerosis (MS).

According to the bio of “To-Do List,” Kopecky was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) when she was fifteen and was often met with skepticism while talking about her illness. In response, she started creating artworks that visualizes how it can feel to navigate the world with MS.

“There was a long time in my life where I did not want to talk about having MS, I was diagnosed when I was only 15 so a lot of people told me, ‘oh you’re too young to have MS,’ or ‘you don’t look sick,'” expressed Kopecky. “Hearing their stories as well as inspired me to talk more about it because the more we share, the more people understand, and the more people feel seen and heard.”

The exhibition features 100 original drawings and an interactive installation that encourages visitors to participate, learn and connect with these topics.

“To-Do List” will be at the Rochester Art Center until August 18.