DMC approves funding for housing and historic district

DMC Meeting

DMC Meeting

(ABC 6 News) – Destination Medical Center has approved nearly $12 million for housing and supporting the historic district. But they say expanding housing opportunities is critical to the future of the Med City.

“I think everybody is all hands-on deck when it comes to creating more housing opportunities in Rochester,” said DMC Executive Director Patrick Seeb.

Destination Medical Center approved $6.9 million towards housing projects, including a complex north of the Mayo Civic Center and redeveloping the west transit center on Second Street.

“These are people that will be living walking distance to their jobs, near the downtown restaurants and downtown retail. They will add to the vibrancy and the energy just as the populate the downtown area,” said Seeb.

The project near the civic center plans to redevelop the parking lot into 315 units of market rate and affordable housing.

“DMC is going to support that with $3 million that will go towards the energy system that is going to be used, the district energy system. And some of the riverfront improvements associated with that,” continued Seeb.

And west of downtown, the current Mayo transit lot will be turned into a multi-use space with a park, transit center, shops and housing.

“94 units of senior housing, affordable senior housing. Again, providing options for people who might want to get out of their house and live in a more affordable and simpler environment,” said Seeb.

The board has also approved loosening restrictions on income for residents at the Bryk Apartments in downtown.

“They want to keep the price the same, but expand the income eligibility and we think that’s a good idea and we want to work with them in doing that,” said Seeb.

The board also approved $5 million to help preserve the historic district, including providing support to the property owners there.