Tuesday is the Transition Day

We are tracking a big change heading our way, all of which will begin later Tuesday evening/night with the passage of a cold front.

Ahead of the front, highs are building back into the lower & middle 90s, with a mostly sunny sky overhead. Clouds will move in ahead of the cold front, bringing a few early-afternoon showers & t-storms to the area. Storm chances will increase for the evening, with a better threat for storms from 6-10 PM. A few strong, possibly even severe storms can be expected during this timeframe, with damaging wind & large hail the primary concerns. Showers will last somewhat on & off throughout the day on Wednesday, especially the first half.

This cold front will not only bring us the 0.10-0.25″ of rain (isolated higher totals will be possible for a few communities), but it will also bring us relief from the heat & humidity felt over the Labor Day Weekend. Highs are back down into the lower 70s starting Wednesday and look to rebound to near 80° for the weekend.