Snow totals range, adding to one of the snowiest on record

Snow totals from Sunday ranged from nothing to as much as 6″. Fillmore and Olmsted Counties saw the most. Up to 12-22″ feel in portions of western Wisconsin. We didn’t miss it by much.

Officially at RST, 1.8″ of snow accumulated. That pushed the season total up to 63.3″. This mark is more than double the amount seen all of last winter. 63.3″ is good for 12th snowiest on record. Reliable records go back to the early 1930s. It’s the most in a winter since 2018/19 set the record for snowiest ever at 86.8″.

For Mason City, the season snowfall stands at 45.0″. That’s good for the 24th snowiest on record. The record book goes back to 1947. It is also the snowiest since the winter of 2018/19 when 58.9″ fell.