Chilly weekend, even colder mornings coming

Remember when we broke the low-90s last weekend and broke several records? It feels like so much longer ago now!!

Wind gusts the past couple days have given us a hint of the colder weather coming. Now, we will be chilly early. Sunday morning, we are looking at low-40s. The next few mornings will feature 30s, similar to the wind chills we had on Friday. Don’t be surprised to see some frost early Monday-Wednesday mornings.

During the afternoons, we will still be in the upper-50s and even low-60s on the high end, but not everyday will be like this. Sunday will be one of the warmer days of the week. Otherwise, we will be hovering in the 50s for highs with a couple days with low-60s in northern Iowa.

For rain chances, a couple isolate showers are possible very early Sunday. I would not count on these though. We’re only looking at about a 20% chance of rain here. Later in the upcoming work week is the best opportunity on Thursday and Friday.