Ron Hanson – Account Executive

When I’m not charting marketing strategies or ensuring clients’ success, you might spot me in the unexpected role of pretend Mayor of Rochester – a title bestowed upon me by close friends who claim I know everyone in town and have an unbridled passion for community enrichment.

Beyond the boardrooms and meetings, I immerse myself in the fabric of Rochester’s community life. Whether it’s weaving connections within the Masons, contributing to the Shriners and parades, harmonizing with the Church Choir & tech wiz on the church Communications Team, or devoting time to Non-Profit Boards and Charity Events, my commitment to community development runs deep. Too deep actually per my wife.

Hobbies include the sanctuary of music, scratch golf, poolside serenity, enjoying culinary delights for my gastronomic realms, the art of rest and above all, I find my greatest joy in the company of my best friend and confidante, Jody. Whether sharing a meal, enjoying music, or simply savoring the quiet moments, our companionship is the anchor of his life’s journey.