What the Tech? Legacy Contacts

What the Tech? Legacy Contacts – ABC 6 News Daytime

What the Tech? Legacy Contacts - ABC 6 News Daytime

(ABC 6 News) – We demand a high level of privacy and security for our online accounts. No one wants someone else to have access to their Facebook or Apple accounts. Users are urged to not only have
strong and unique passwords but also 2-factor authentication to prevent someone from gaining
access to the account.

How difficult is it to login to a Facebook or Apple account if you’ve forgotten the password?
Many people find it so difficult they just start a new account.

Losing access to your digital accounts can be frustrating, but have you ever considered what
happens to your online presence after you pass away? With the rise of digital assets, it’s crucial
to ensure that your memories and information aren’t lost forever. Here’s how technology is
stepping up to address this concern.

Apple understands the importance of preserving your digital legacy. That’s why they’ve
introduced the “Legacy Contact” feature. Found in the settings under ‘Password and Security,’
this option allows you to designate individuals who can access your iCloud data posthumously.

By sending your chosen contacts a QR code, they’ll have the key to unlock your digital
memories. In the event of your passing, they can present this code along with a death certificate
to access and download photos and other data from your iCloud account. It’s a good idea to
print out this QR code and include it in your estate planning documents for safekeeping.

Facebook also offers a solution with its “Legacy Contact” option. By setting this up, you grant a
trusted person limited access to your account should something happen to you. This foresight is
vital. Upon your demise, your legacy contact can choose to either memorialize your profile or
request its removal. They’ll also be able to download cherished photos, safeguarding your
digital memories.

An unmaintained Facebook profile can become a target for hackers, leading to spam or
inappropriate content tarnishing your digital memory. Without a legacy contact, your loved ones
may struggle to access or deactivate your account.

To ensure your digital assets are handled according to your wishes, it’s essential to set up these
features well in advance—and only you, the account owner, can do this. Consider the wealth of
memories stored on your phone, iCloud, and Facebook. These aren’t just files; they’re precious
moments shared with friends and family. By planning, you can ensure that these treasures are
preserved and passed on.

Remember, in the tech world, being proactive about your digital afterlife is just as important as
managing your online presence today. Don’t leave your digital legacy to chance.