Home outside Spring Valley a “total loss” after fire

(ABC 6 News) – A fire destroyed a house outside Spring Valley Sunday night.

The house caught fire around 6 p.m. and was soon overtaken by flames.

Fortunately, no one was home at the time.

The fire started from a power line outside the house that connected to the electric box. Once the fire started, it quickly spread to the front of the house.

Homeowner Tom Mosher and his family weren’t home, but his daughter got a call from a neighbor around 6 p.m. telling her that something at the house was on fire.

“A lot of fire going on, a lot of chaos going on, but they were able to get it knocked down to save some of my other property, one of my big buildings right next to the house. Done an excellent job,” said Mosher.

Firefighters were able to save a few things, but most of the home was destroyed, including a new car and some sentimental items.

“Everything is a total loss. The basement really wasn’t on fire, some of the back rooms weren’t on fire, but between the smoke damage, the heat and water, everything in it’s pretty much a total loss,” said Mosher.

Mosher says he’s received a lot of support from the community, including offers of money, clothes and even a place to live.

He and his wife are currently staying with their daughter who lives across the street.

Mosher and his wife have lived at the home for over forty years, and though it will take time to rebuild, he says they’re not going anywhere.