MDH opens registration for businesses selling hemp-derived cannabinoid products

Minnesota Department of Health
(ABC 6 News) – The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has opened registration for businesses currently selling hemp-derived cannabinoid products in Minnesota.
Minnesota’s adult-use cannabis law which went into effect on Tuesday, Aug. 1, requires retailers and manufacturers of hemp-derived cannabinoid products to register with the State of Minnesota by Oct. 1. This includes those selling directly to consumers, such as breweries that make hemp THC beverages, as well as out-of-state manufacturers that sell online or to businesses in Minnesota.
Hemp-derived cannabinoid products are defined as products derived from hemp and containing no more than 0.3% THC (dry weight).
Once the registration is complete, a registration certificate will be sent to the business owner by email. Information supplied during the registration process will be visible on the registration certificate and on the MDH website.
All registered businesses are encouraged to retain a copy of the email as proof of registration.
If a change in ownership or contact information occurs, the business owner must contact MDH to update the registration.
Businesses not currently selling products but intending to do so in the future and businesses that open after Oct. 1 must register before they sell any hemp-derived cannabinoid product.
A separate licensing process for all adult-use cannabis and lower-potency hemp businesses will be available in the future when regulation of these products moves to the new Office of Cannabis Management.
It is free to register. For more information about the registration process, CLICK HERE.