Rochester man arrested in juvenile prostitution sting charged with domestic assault

Benjamin Kinyon / Olmsted County ADC
(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man who pleaded guilty to juvenile prostitution was charged Monday with domestic assault.
Benjamin Kinyon, 22, previously pleaded guilty to prostitution–hires or agrees to hire person under 18, but over 16, after being arrested in a police sting.
RELATED: One pleads guilty in Rochester juvenile prostitution sting – ABC 6 News –
Kinyon’s plea agreement stated if he remained law-abiding until his sentencing Jan. 29, he would likely receive probation only.
However, Kinyon was taken into custody Sunday and charged Monday, Jan. 13, with three counts of domestic assault.
Despite the probation violation, Olmsted County judge Pamela King released Kinyon Monday on $0 bail with conditions.