Man arrested during attempted Clear Lake burglary

(ABC 6 News) – A Klemme man is in jail after allegedly breaking into a Clear Lake, Iowa home.
According to the Clear Lake Police Department, 29-year-old Gabriel Craighton was found inside a home on 100 block of 5th Avenue North. Police responded to a burglary alarm on December 20 at around 4:00 a.m., where they say Craighton had forced his way inside the empty home.
Craighton was arrested without incident and has been charged with Burglary 3rd, a Class D
Felony and Criminal Mischief 3rd, an Aggravated Misdemeanor. He is currently being
held on bond at the Cerro Gordo County Jail.
The burglary is still under investigation by the Clear Lake Police Department along with the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office.