Clear Lake residents take the plunge


The warmer weather gave folks in Clear Lake a lucky break for this year's Polar Bear Plunge.

ABC 6 NEWS — In Clear Lake, residents took advantage of the seasonably warm temperatures to raise money for a good cause.

Leaping into the icy waters of City Beach for the Clear Lake Polar Bear Plunge was made a little easier this year thanks to the warmer weather. And while some may enjoy the adrenaline rush of splashing into the cold waters — all made the plunge to support kids and families in need for the holiday season.

“It was a beautiful day out for it. So we’re happy that everyone was able to come and enjoy it without getting too cold,” said Sydney Dighton, a member of the Clear Lake Jaycees who put on the event. “We are raising funds for Toys for Tots, Clear Lake and Compassionate Connections.”

A $60 entry fee got you the chance to run or walk or just dip your toes in. Many local businesses fielded teams, and one family even took their plunge so grandma didn’t have to.

“My sisters and I, we had to do it for our mom’s 100th birthday. My brother came, my nephew came,” said Amanda Bell from Mason City.