Rochester Public Works to hold open house at East Center Street reconstruction project

(ABC 6 News) — The Rochester Public Works Department is seeking feedback from residents on the upcoming reconstruction of East Center Street from Zumbro River to 11th Avenue NE/SE.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the project, share their concerns about the current roadway, and provide preliminary feedback on design concepts.
The open house will be held on Wednesday, September 11th from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Mayo Civic Center, Suite 106 (30 Civic Center Drive SE). Attendees should enter a parking ramp after 4 PM and can park for free.
The City of Rochester is planning a significant reconstruction project for East Center Street, from the Zumbro River to 11th Avenue NE/SE. The project goals are to:
- Reconstruct the roadway to provide multimodal transportation improvements that accommodate bicycles, parking, drive lanes, and pedestrian improvements that meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
- Replace aging infrastructure, including the sanitary sewer and water mains, which date back to the early 1900s. The project may also include the potential to replace lead water pipes to homes.
- Improve the safety and functionality of transit stops, pedestrian crossings and intersections as needed.
- Add pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including trail connections, to align with the City’s Complete Streets Policy.
- Add storm sewer and stormwater management facilities to improve drainage and provide water quality treatment.
- Improve the intersection of 11th Ave NE/SE with the construction of a mini roundabout.
More information can be found here.