Rochester NAACP hosts “Break the Hate” event

(Credit: NAACP Rochester Branch)
ABC 6 NEWS — The Rochester branch of the NAACP will be hosting an event this weekend at 125 Live, focused on creating unity in the face of hate.
The event is called “Break the Hate: A Community Forum to Create Unity and Activate Change in the Face of Hate,” and will include a keynote address from Christian Picciolini, who describes himself as a former white supremacist.
There will also be a panel discussion at the event featuring Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and other community members. The forum will conclude with a Q&A session from audience members.
Registration is required for the event, and if interested, you can register at this link.
–RELATED STORY: NAACP Rochester announces Not in Our Town rally to condemn racist message near Century High —
This forum is just the latest in a string of events the Rochester NAACP has held targeting hate in the community, with the last one being the “Not in our Town” rally, which protest the posting of a racial slur on a community bridge.
The “Break the Hate” event will take place on Saturday, September 21 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.