Road conditions worsen as mix of rain and snow rolls through Saturday
(ABC 6 News)- Ice, Ice Baby. A mix of both rain and snow has fallen all day Saturday, leading to slick roads all across our area. It’s a drastic change from the conditions earlier in the morning in Rochester.
“It doesn’t look to bad like the sidewalks were covered and stuff but the roads seemed pretty decent,” said Noelle Borowski, a Rochester resident.
But those out and about weren’t surprised to learn things would get much worse, very soon.
“They were saying it might be moving in slower, so maybe it’s gonna be worse tonight, but I would just say keep an eye out and just be prepared just in case,” Borowski said.
Rochester Fire Department Captain Isaac Molin says it’s fortunate this wintery mix is happening on the weekend, because they’re getting less calls than they would during the week.
“With it being Saturday, we don’t necessarily have a morning and a evening commute so that really decreases the amount of traffic that’s out on the road,” said Molin.
But once the sun sets, Molin warns things could take a turn for the worse.
“As you know, sunsets, temps drop, the roads are wet, things start to freeze up. So that’s a time when people really need to be careful. You lose visibility with the lack of daylight, and like I said with those temps dropping you can get a lot of icy spots out on the roads,” Molin said.
The best thing you can do is go slow…and make sure to stay out of the way of emergency vehicles.
“Really give us a wide birth. If you see our trucks responding to any sort of emergency. We have big work trucks. They move slow, they stop slow, and we need lots of room. So if you see an emergency vehicle responding, just pull over and stop, that’s all we ask,” said Molin.
Earlier on Saturday there was an incident off of E River Road NE in Rochester where one car got rear ended after a car slipped on an ice patch. According to RPD, no injuries were reported but another reminder to stay safe on the roads.