One arrested in juvenile prostitution sting deported; county asks for nationwide warrant

Hilario Zenil / Olmsted County ADC
(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man arrested in an April juvenile prostitution sting faces a nationwide arrest warrant after being deported before he could face charges in Olmsted County.
Hilario Zenil, 49, was charged with Felony Prostitution — Actor Hires or Agrees to Hire and Reasonably Believes Under 18 but at least 16 years of age after allegedly attempting to meet an undercover officer posing as a minor for sex.
RELATED: UPDATE: Ostrem gives insight into Rochester prostitution sting prosecution – ABC 6 News –
Zenil was scheduled to appear in Olmsted County Court Monday, June 17.
However, court documents claim that Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Zenil was deported before he could face the charge.
Olmsted County Court requested a nation-wide warrant for Zenil’s arrest, should he encounter law enforcement in the U.S. at any point in the future.
Another Rochester man charged in the sting pleaded guilty to a gross misdemeanor prostitution charge earlier this month.
RELATED: One pleads guilty in Rochester juvenile prostitution sting – ABC 6 News –