Minnesota Department of Education releases 2024 assessment and accountability data

(ABC 6 News) — On Thursday, the Minnesota Department of Education released scores for the 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs).
Overall, scores remain steady for all students in reading, mathematics and science in 2023-24.
North Star attendance data for the 2022-23 school year also show consistent attendance rates improved among all student groups in 2023.
In order to maintain improvement, long term investments from the 2023 legislative session are currently being implemented.
These investments include the largest funding increase for K-12 education in state history, additional teacher recruitment tools, a statewide system of support for continuous improvement (COMPASS), and the Minnesota Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act which will overhaul reading education in the state.
Additionally, new teacher recruitment and retention grant programs, teacher training efforts, and local literacy plans will begin in the coming school year.
“We are proud of the work our educators have done to strengthen relationships to boost attendance and make sure students feel welcomed and supported. Thank you students, educators and families for the work you’ve done to prioritize student engagement and learning,” Commissioner Willie Jett said via a news release. “These efforts are making a difference, and we look forward to seeing the consistent attendance rates continue to rise.”
North Star attendance data tracks consistent attendance, or the number of students who are attending at least 90% of the time and who are not chronically absent. Statewide consistent attendance rose to 74.5% of students attending at least 90% of the time in 2023, up from 69.8% in 2022.
Across all grades and subjects, students who took the MCA in 2024 scored about the same percent proficient as last year. Results for student groups by race and ethnicity changed slightly.
“We need all students to succeed and thrive in school,” Jett said via a news release. “Statewide assessment and accountability data are an important part of a broader set of measures that tell our schools and families how students are doing and guide MDE in planning how to best support our school communities.”
Students who did not take the test are excluded from the assessment testing results. However, for the North Star accountability data, students who do not take the MCA are counted as not proficient in the results. This is a key reason why accountability achievement results differ from assessment results.
In 2024, 92.9% of students participated in math tests and 94.7% participated in reading tests. Having all students take the tests gives schools and districts the best picture of how their students are performing on the Minnesota academic standards.
Test scores across Minnesota can be found using the links below:
- ACCESS Public Schools
- MCA/MTAS Math Public Schools
- MCA MTAS Reading Public Schools
- MCA/MTAS Science Public Schools
- ACCESS Non Public Schools
- MCA MTAS Math Non Public Schools
- MCA MTAS Reading Non Public Schools
- MCA MTAS Science Non Public Schools
Information can also be found on the MDE website under the Minnesota Report Card once it is updated at 8 AM on Thursday.