I-90 off-ramp detour at Hwy 109 begins July 29 near Alden

(MnDOT) – If you travel on I-90 westbound, you will encounter an off-ramp detour at Hwy 109 beginning July 29 near Alden (Exit 146).
I-90 westbound motorists wanting to access Hwy 109 should take the Hwy 13 exit (Exit 154), go south on Hwy 13, west on Co. Rd. 46 (210th Street) and north on Hwy 109 (South Broadway Ave.). The closure is scheduled to begin July 29 and the ramp is expected to reopen in late-September.

This detour is part of the I-90 project between Alden and Albert Lea that includes resurfacing westbound lanes and installing new guardrail on eastbound and westbound lanes. To learn more about this project, go to MnDOT’s website.