German Embassy officials pay a visit to Rochester

German Embassy officials visit Rochester

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(ABC 6 News) – Officials from the German Embassy met with Olmsted County officials in Rochester on Tuesday.

The visit offers German officials a different view of what America is really like, outside of the capitol city of Washington D.C. The embassy makes a point to visit different states, and this was the first time they traveled to Minnesota.

One official remarking on how the two countries may operate on different systems, but still face the same problems. Rainer Breul, the Head of Political Affairs for the German Embassy, stated “in the society its becoming more difficult to find comment ground; to find the solution for problems.”

He went on to say “in Germany we have a different system but the same problems, but also in our society we have issues that really divide people and we are really interested in knowing how to overcome this; to find a common ground.”

Tuesday marked day one of their trip. They plan to stop in Saint Paul on Wednesday, before returning to Washington D.C.