Eye care clinic held for those in need

ZVMS Eye Care Clinic

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(ABC 6 News) – Zumbro Valley Medical Society Street Medicine teamed up with Mayo Clinic Axil School of Medicine to hold an eye care clinic at Christ United Methodist Church on Saturday.

Volunteers provided free eye exams and specialty care to those experiencing unstable housing.

Grant Welk, a medical student and volunteer, says the twice-annual event helps him remember who his training is really there for.

“We’re so privileged to have the amount of resources and the quality of resources that we have here, but people still slip through the cracks,” said Welk. “I think in medical school it’s really easy to get focused on the scientific details and the intricacies of medicine that you sometimes lose sight of the people that you’re serving and who you’re learning medicine for.”

There will be another eye care clinic scheduled for later this year.