Rochester City Council votes to approve purchase of sports complex site
(ABC 6 News) – On Monday, the Rochester City Council heard a recommendation to purchase land for the Regional Sports and Recreation Complex that was approved by voters back in 2023.
Related: Rochester Parks and Rec to propose site for sports complex
The site is located on a 160-acre property to the south of the city, owned by the Seneca Foods Corporation on 20th Street SE.
The location was chosen for its ability to get the most land with the lowest price tag, its proximity to businesses and residential areas and space to expand the facility in the future.
In the end, the council unanimously voted to approve the site purchase.
Many members of the community came to the council meeting, both to share support for the project and proposed site location, and to voice questions and concerns.
Some people had questions over the cost of the project to taxpayers and wanted more clarity on the financial implications of the project.
Others were worried about the lack of inclusion of disability advocates when drawing up the project plans.
Meanwhile, other speakers took issue with the proposed site location itself, saying it is poorly integrated into travel and lodging in the city.
“A lot of this is being driven by the idea of use it or lose it nature of sales tax. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of a poor site outweigh and dramatically exceed both the planning and construction costs,” said Nate Campian of Rochester.
Still, many people championed the sports complex as a replacement for the old YMCA for youth to gather.
“Elementary, middle, and high schoolers need equitable, safe spaces to be in community together after school,” said Sarah Jurdy of Rochester.
It was also noted by community speakers that the city would gain an economic boost from the sports complex.
“Sports complex represents sorely needed diversity that would yield substantial returns to Rochester,” said Mark Branson, a former city council member.
Despite objections over the site location from Mayor Kim Norton, council members unanimously supported the site purchase.
The project will now move forward into the design phase of outdoor amenities and seek more funding for indoor amenities.