MCSB commends work of English language liaisons
(ABC 6 News) — The Mason City School Board on Monday recognized the work done in the first year of the district’s “English Language Community Liaison” program.
Elisabeth Morales and Edsaka Soukon were brought on staff last year to assist a growing need for community outreach within the school’s English-language learners and their families.
Superintendent Pat Hamilton said the program has shown success.
“These two are working hard,” said Hamilton. “Our attendance [among EL students] has increased significantly. Not a little, but a lot, because of the work these two are doing.”
Roughly 6% of the students at MCCSD are learning English as a second language and even more parents and guardians are non-native speakers. Morales and Soukon serve as a bridge to the growing Spanish and Polynesian-speaking communities.
“That the kids and parents know someone is there for them,” said Soukon, “makes all the difference.”
The liaisons schedule periodic check-ins with parents and teachers, but, according to Soukon, overcoming the language barrier is just a first step in building lasting trust.
“Attendance is up (because) they are starting to love to come to school,” said Soukon. “When they see that it’s an amazing, loving, nurturing and safe space for them to be … yeah, they’re gonna show up.”