Many gather for 3rd of July Parade in Albert Lea

(ABC 6 News) – Albert Lea got to celebrate the 4th of July early as many gathered for the 3rd of July parade.

“We’ve been coming to the Albert Lea 3rd of July Parade forever,” Albert Lea resident Sue Lackey said.

This is part of Albert Lea’s 4th of July jamboree.

For six days they offered food from vendors, live music, and other entertainment for the community.

“I like the busyness, we all kind of strive on the busyness and the downtime of course it gets long but, I am hoping by 4 o’clock that everyone will be happy and moving and grooving,” owner of Nel’s Diner Monica Nelson said.

Some of the vendors have participated for a long time and enjoy the community interaction, some like the Day Breakers Kiwanis Club, have bigger reasons for participating.

“This year we’re raising for an all-inclusive playground for our Riverland scholarships the promise scholarship, as well as we’re raising money for the Albert Lea Family YMCA they’re doing a remodel of their youth area,” member and past president of the Day Breakers Kiwanis Club John Double said.

Many secured their seats early for this year’s parade.

Watchers filled the streets to make sure they had a good view.

It’s something they look forward to every year.

“We usually have some family as well that will be in the parades, we always try to look for them and holler out and they never hear us of course, we have fun with that I think, and then the kids love the candy of course,” Lackey said.

The fun continues tomorrow at Broadway Avenue where the food vendors will be there and at 10 pm you’ll be able to watch the fireworks over Fountain Lake.