Albert Lea woman receives Bible in her native language
(ABC 6 News) – An Albert Lea woman’s prayers have been answered, Moo Moo Eh is now able to read the bible in her native language, Karen.
Moo Moo was born in a refugee camp in Thailand and moved to the U.S. when she was four, and became a member of the Jehovah’s Witness. But, out of the 1,000 languages, the bible has been translated into, Karen was not one of them.
"I actually prayed about it ‘cuz I’ve read the Bible in English and it was really beautiful, but it just doesn’t touch the heart like my own languages does. When we have our Karen language still alive, it feels like freedom," said Moo Moo.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses participated in the translation process, which was completed in March.